Let me know if there is anything else I can help with (for Gdrive only) Will stop a rclone command if it receives an error that indicates the quota has been exceeded for that day (thus preventing endless futile retries). Will forceful stop a rclone operation when 740GB is has been transferred (in that one rclone-command), which may be useful for scripts. Will allow for 24/7 uploads without ever hitting the limit (assuming no external uploads via the same account) If it is of any assistance, there are some flags that might help you manage the data-transfers to get the most out of your 750/day. What you do with your account is between you and Google, but out of respect to rclone's author that discussion can not happen here. Not only would that place your account at risk (and as such would be generally inadvisable) but it would put the Rclone project in a bad light, which could be bad for everyone involved in the long term.

We avoid public discussion of how to willfully break the Google TOS here, and that is likely why you haven't gotten a reply yet.