Vegas Pro 12 is a powerful, full-featured editing program, that requires a 64-bit Windows operating system(OS), not the 32-bit Windows OS that many people currently use. New FX Masking can be used to mask an effect, which is useful for blurring or pixelating areas like a person’s face or a logo. With P2 support Vegas Pro 12 can natively ingest DVC Pro 25/50/100 and AVC-Intra 50/100 MXF encoded video files from Panasonic P2 series camcorders. Other new pro features include P2 support, and masking tools. You can also export your Vegas Pro 12 projects to those programs, as well as Final Cut Pro X. Professional editors will enjoy the new Project interchange feature that lets them import editing projects from other editing programs and graphical applications, including Final Cut Pro 7, DaVinci Resolve 8, Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, and Adobe After Effects CS6. There are also new Trimming features and improved Timeline enhancements, Project Media Updates (16×9 thumbnails) and Project MediaTagging, updated 64-bit Sound Forge audio plug-ins (including four Noise Reduction 2.0 plug-ins along with Acoustic Mirror, Zplane élastique Pro time-stretch, and Wave Hammer), and Titler Pro 1.0 from NewBlueFX which allows you to create 2D and 3D titles with animation.

All Vegas Pro 12 users will benefit from an expanded edit mode (easier ways to see before/after frames at the edit point), and GUI improvements, such as a new Toolbar Icon for Splitting edits, and more comprehensive tool tips.

These new features and improvements help all users, from prosumers to professionals. There are so many new features in Vegas Pro 12 we can only highlight a few. Audio properties were defaulted at 48kHz/16-bit, but if you have an advanced sound card, you can select higher performance settings. For the video we captured with a Sony camcorder, we used the HD-1080/60i setting. Fortunately, Vegas Pro 12 has a full range of video project types from the template pull down menu. Project Properties, both video and audio must also be set up before editing begins. Each window can be moved to a customized location more to your liking.

The Project Media window displays all media used in your project. Media can be dragged and dropped directly into the timeline from the Vegas Explorer Window. Major file formats for standard definition, HD, and 3D video are supported. The Vegas Explorer window is newly enhanced and shows Vegas-compatible media files that reside on your hard drives, flash drives, or camcorders.